PDA Letter
PDA Members Recommend ICH Q9 Changes

Hal Baseman, ValSource

Task Group Formed to Craft PDA Quality Culture Standard

Marilyn Foster, PDA

Guest Editorial: We Should Expect Drug Shortages to Get Worse

Martin VanTrieste, President & CEO, Civica Rx

Real-World Applications of Rapid Micro Methods

Tony Cundell, PhD, Microbiological Consulting, and Michael Miller, PhD, Microbiology Consultants

Cryogenic Storage Challenges for Container-Closure Systems

Pascal Sircoulomb, ARaymondlife, and Luce Sohier, SCHOTT

Sterility Test Failure Investigations

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

9 Tips to Make Working Remotely Work for You and Your Employer

Jill J. Johnson, Johnson Consulting Services

Qualification of Manual Visual Inspection Still Critical

Alexis Flaquiere and Jean Malthête, GSK Vaccines

New Look for the PDA Letter! Plus, All New Content Unlocked

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

The Product Quality Leader Team Part II: Getting Ahead

Stephan Krause, PhD; Mariam Khan; Callum Chapman; Rob Gaglione; Andy Spasoff; Anthony Mire-Sluis, AstraZeneca

Moving Beyond “Grande-Sized” Manufacturing for Gene Therapies

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

PDA Responds to the Novel Coronavirus Situation

Richard Johnson, PDA President

Tools to Address Human Error Reduction

Tony Yang, Communications Board Chair, Pacific Northwest Chapter

40 Years of Visual Inspection: Where Do We Go from Here?

Romain Veillon, GSK Vaccines, and John Shabushnig, PhD, Insight Pharma Consulting, LLC

Inaugural BioManufacturing Conference Tackles Five Key Issues: Part II

Michael De Felippis, PhD, Eli Lilly, and Cristiana Campa, PhD, GSK 

Data Integrity: From the Basics to Big Data

David Hubmayr, CSL Behring

Innovations in Aseptic Processing

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Annex 1 to VPHP: The ABCs of Aseptic Processing

Shelly Henderson

Inaugural BioManufacturing Conference Tackles Five Key Issues: Part I

Michael DeFelippis, PhD, Eli Lilly, and Cristiana Campa, PhD, GSK

Board of Directors Nominations Needed

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

New Decade, New Focus for PDA Letter

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Female Biotech Leaders Discuss Their Career Journeys, Offer Advice

Katja Yount, PDA

5.0 Ways Quality 4.0 Will Improve Manufacturing

Snehal Srikrishna, Veeva Systems

Could A.I. Optimize Visual Inspection?

Andreas Gross, Syntegon

4 Questions and 4 Answers About Innovation in Pharma Manufacturing

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

A Glimpse at FDA’s Micro Regulations

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

EPA Hearing on EtO Draws Debate

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

The Product Quality Leader Team Part I: Building the PQL Role

Stephan Krause, PhD; Mariam Khan; Callum Chapman; Rob Gaglione; Andy Spasoff; Anthony Mire-Sluis, AstraZeneca

Panel Inspires Next Generation of Female Biotech Leaders

Tony Yang, Communications Board Chair, Pacific Northwest Chapter

5 Challenges of Closed System Transfer Devices

Cathy Zhao, PhD, and Allison Radwick, PhD, West Pharmaceutical Sciences

PDA Enters 2020 on Strong Note

Jette Christensen, Novo Nordisk

2020 Board of Directors

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Joint PDA, IPEC TR Addresses Risk Assessments for Excipients

Eva M. Urban, CSL Behring and M. Schousboe, Novo Nordisk

PDA NE Chapter Enjoys a Day at the Lake

Laurie Masiello, President and CEO, Masy Bioservices, and President, PDA New England Chapter

ICH Q9: Quality Risk Management Revisions on Horizon

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Conference Proves “Virtually” Stimulating

Rebecca Kelly, National University of Ireland

FDA Panel Addresses EtO Sterilization

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Volunteers Needed for PDA Quality Culture Standard

Christine Alston-Roberts, PDA

Plunging into Six Sigma

Stephenie Overman

Add Sherlock Holmes to Your Investigation Team

Tony Cundell, PhD, Microbiological Consulting, LLC

Get Your Data Integrity Basics Down for Success

Silvia Martins, Five Validation

Robotics and Big Data Key to Lab of the Future

Peter Crane, Synthace

PDA Comments: PDA Input on USP 2020-2025 Revision Cycle

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

How to Qualify Your Disinfectants

Michael Hodgkinson, Orvera Scientific

FDA Takes Close Look at Innovation

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

PDA Comments: PDA Responds to EMA Combo Product Reg

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

An Inside Look at the 2019 PDA Quality Week

Eva Urban, CSL Behring, Susan Schniepp, Regulatory Compliance Associates, Lori Richter, ValSource, and Ghada Haddad, Merck

Strategic Application of Advanced Analytics for CGT Development

Jennifer Chadwick, PhD, BioAnalytix

Tri-Spine Crab Now on Endangered List

By: James Cooper

Spotlight on Packaging Regulations and CCI

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Can We Reprogram the Human Computer?

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

PDA Comments: Suggestions for FDA Voluntary Recalls Doc

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Publishing Intern Expands Horizons at PDA

Madeline Cusick, Georgetown University

Conference Puts Human Face on Cell and Gene Therapies

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Incorporating QRM into Cell and Gene Therapy Processes

Lori Richter, ValSource, and Ghada Haddad, Merck

Avoid Unmixed Process Solutions

Dosung Kim, Jeonghun Kim, Kwangjun Yoon, Denis Rigolet and Anthony R. Newcombe, Polus, Inc.

Life Science Panel Discusses Career Journeys

Christy Wong, Keck Graduate Institute, Student Chapter Communication Chairperson, PDA Southern California Chapter

Are Your RMM Organisms Reflective of Your Process?

Irving Ford, Celgene

PUPSIT and the Annex 1 Revision

Tina Morris, PDA, Maik Jornitz, G-Con, Gabriele Gori, GSK, and Hal Baseman, ValSource

Ready for the Pharma of Tomorrow?

Melissa Seymour, Biogen, and Aaron Goerke, PhD, Roche

Supporting the Quality Risk Management Framework

Denyse Baker, AstraZeneca, and Steven Mendivil, Quality Beyond Compliance

Human Error Causes OOS Investigation

Rebecca Stauffer and Madeline Cusick, PDA

Volunteer Opportunities Abound!

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Why is the EU Medical Device Regulation So Critical?

Olivia Henderson, PhD, and Kesley Gallagher, Amgen

PDA Comments: Concerns About USP <1235> Revision

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Lifecycle Approach Wipes Away Cleaning Validation Concerns

Raji Vathyam

Student Learns Firsthand About Industry

David O’Loughlin, Maynooth University

Exciting Lineup of Speakers at the 2019 PDA/FDA JRC

PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference planning committee

Another Perspective on rFC

Allen Burgenson, Lonza

SE Chapter Helps Students Build Bridge to Future

Renee Morley, Chapter President, PDA Southeast Chapter

ISO 22519: A Flawed and Counterproductive Standard

A Team of Pharmaceutical Water Experts

Ireland Chapter Addresses Annex 1 Revision

PDA Ireland Chapter

New Technology Meets Old Data Integrity Challenges

Kir Henrici, The Henrici Group, Monica Cahilly, Green Mountain Quality Assurance, and Peter Baker, Green Mountain Quality Assurance

2019 PDA Summer Reading

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Follow the Audit Trail Breadcrumbs

Ann Milliman, Baxter Healthcare Corporation

U.S. FDA Continues Data Integrity Focus

Lina Genovesi

Networking Opportunities at 2019 PDA/FDA JRC

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Foreign Particles in Bull’s Eye of Global Reg Agencies

Hirohito Katayama, PhD, Bayer Yakuhin, and John Shabushnig, PhD, Insight Pharma Consulting

A Weeklong Look at Quality Risk Management

Susan Schniepp, Regulatory Compliance Associates

Chapter Offers Coffee with PDA President

Dinesh Khokal, PhD, Amgen, PDA Singapore Chapter President

Future of Packaging on Display at Stevanato Tour

Gabriele Peron, Stevanato Group

PDA Comments: Full Support for WHO WFI Guidance

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

PDA/FDA JRC Conference Returns!

Program Planning Committee

SoCal Student Chapter Keeps Busy

Christy Wong, Associate Director, Communications and Media of Southern California PDA Student Chapter, and Randy George, Southern California Chapter President

Excipients' Attributes Crucial for Parenteral Preparations

Elham Blouet, PharmD, ROQUETTE

More than Volcanoes or Solar System Models

Leo Posner, PhD, Johnson & Johnson, and Chapter President, PDA Delaware Valley Chapter

PDA Comments: Ph. Eur. Tackles Endotoxin Alternative rFC

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

New ISO Standard Available for Water Systems

Shlomo Sackstein, Biopuremax

The Role of Project Managers in Pharma

Kerstin Wilken, PhD, PDA

Aseptic Technology Advances to the Next Level

Subrata Chakraborty, Cipla

Gloveless Isolators Offer Speedy Throughput

Jim Akers, PhD, Akers Kennedy and Associates

U.S. FDA Rep Offers Overview on Visible Particulates

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Cell and Gene Manufacturing Grows in Singapore

Bruce Loxley, GSK, and Emily Cheah, Charles River Laboratories, Members-at-Large, PDA Singapore Chapter

Highly Potent APIs: Balancing Patient and Operator Safety

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

PDA Comments: Drug Storage Regulations in Plain Language

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

Robotics and AI Have Much to Offer Pharma

Martin Düblin, One One Eleven

Rock Out at the 4th PDA Europe Annual Meeting

Rebecca Stauffer, PDA

The Future of Pharma is Coming to Europe

Borke Van Belle, Janssen J&J, and Toni Manzano, Bigfinite

Building an Efficient QRM Strategy

Lara Iovino, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Nominations Chair, PDA Metro Chapter

A Patient’s Life Depends on Product Quality

Jason O’Hare, Charles River